Teenager saw Jesus before being revived

Written by Admin 2 28 May 2015
Teenager saw Jesus before being revived

Doctors can’t explain what happened, but one Texas family is sure it was the hand of God that brought their son back to life. 17-year-old Zack Clements is a strong, healthy and outgoing high school athlete who plays football at a Life Academy. Then last week he suddenly collapsed while running in a PE class. He was rushed to hospital where doctors worked to revive him. He was without a heartbeat for 20 minutes. Doctors finally got a pulse and then airlifted him to a children’s hospital where he woke up a few days later in the intensive care unit. His recovery is hard to believe, but even more amazing is that he says he saw Jesus when his heart stopped beating. His mother, Teresa Clements, says that although it may be a medical mystery, she has accepted that her son came back to life as a direct result of Jesus’ intervention. To watch a video of his story on Fox News click the ‘more’ button below.