Christian worker wins tribunal case

Written by Admin 2 11 Jun 2015
Christian worker wins tribunal case

Sarah Mbuyi (31) was fired from her job as a nursery nurse after a conversation with a homosexual colleague. She explained the biblical position on homosexuality and marriage when her colleague asked whether she would be welcomed at church and if God approves of her civil partnership. Sarah said that ‘God is not okay with what you do’ but that ‘everyone is a sinner and God offers forgiveness’. Miss Mbuyi recalled, ‘When I said ‘No, God does not condone the practice of homosexuality, but does love you and says you should come to Him as you are', she became emotional and went off to report me to my manager’. Following the complaint by her colleague, Sarah was investigated and sacked for gross misconduct within three days of the conversation. She was supported by the Christian Legal Centre, and represented by a human rights barrister. In a brave judgment, the Watford Employment Tribunal found she had been directly discriminated against because of her beliefs.