Algerian Church growing 'like a rolling snowball’

Written by Admin 2 13 May 2015
Algerian Church growing 'like a rolling snowball’

The Church in North Africa is growing, most notably in Algeria. Mustapha Krim, pastor and former president of the Protestant Church of Algeria, reports, ‘The Church started out very small. In the beginning we saw very little growth, but then the growth became like a rolling snowball, growing bigger and bigger. Now, there are zeros at the end of the growth numbers.’ He said growth followed the 1990’s persecution. Then Christian radio broadcasts and screening the Jesus film started. ‘The media is the most important tool for bringing people to Christ. I give thanks to the Lord because every day new people are saved. People in the north are less opposed to Christians than in the south. Even in our part of the country, people sometimes call me to insult me. That is part of being Christian. But even when we are mistreated or insulted we end up winning the confidence and respect of the people.’