South Africa: 1,462 come to faith through prayer

Written by Admin 2 26 Mar 2015
South Africa: 1,462 come to faith through prayer

650 people gave their lives to Jesus during a week of 24-7 prayer in South Africa which culminated on New Years Eve. And that was just the beginning of an incredible January for Peter Sekhonyane who mobilises prayer in giant tents around the South African townships. ‘Speak about the power of prayer,’ he says. A few days later they launched three nights of prayer in Johannesburg, and these continued for two weeks! ‘Out of that time of prayer we ended up with 812 conversions and no single shop was attacked,’ says Peter. Such stories demonstrate, once again, the powerful transformational relationship between prayer, mission (more than a 1000 people saved in January alone through prayer meetings), and justice (protection on businesses in a deprived and volatile part of the world). More about Peter Sekhonyane's remarkable story in this video on the ‘More’ link.