Five million worldwide receive Christ via Billy Graham website

Written by Admin 2 28 Nov 2014
Five million worldwide receive Christ via Billy Graham website

An Internet evangelistic website set up by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) marked a milestone as the five millionth person received Christ at The ministry uses Bible verses and video presentations to share the Gospel with visitors to the site, which was launched in May 2011. ‘This is significant because we’re following Billy Graham’s legacy of taking the most advanced technical capabilities available and reaching people where they are with the hope of Jesus,’ said John Cass, BGEA’s Director of Internet Evangelism. ‘This has given us the opportunity to go to the ends of the earth.’ More than 20,000 people a day are viewing a presentation of the Gospel via the website. ‘For decades we have worked to fill venues with people so Billy, Franklin or Will Graham can proclaim the Gospel,’ said Cass. ‘The way we look at it, this is similar to welcoming a full arena to hear the message on a daily basis.’