Vietnam: War Veteran walks coast to coast for spiritual awakening

Written by Admin 2 15 Nov 2014
Vietnam: War Veteran walks coast to coast for spiritual awakening

A pastor and Vietnam veteran is on a cross-country march for spiritual awakening in America. Sixty-eight-year-old Chick McGill of Tennessee said God moved him to make the trek from sea to shining sea. Starting in North Carolina, McGill is walking 3,200 miles with an American flag calling attention to the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, and his nation's founding principles. While walking, he said he salutes every passing driver along the way. Many people stop to talk with him. He said prayer is the only thing that can change the nation. ‘He (God) approached me three times,’ McGill said. ‘The first two times I thought I was hallucinating. The third time I said, 'This is God talking to me'. 'I can't argue with God,' he added.