When the medicine failed

Written by Admin 2 09 Nov 2014
When the medicine failed

One Chadian man’s violent fits were healed by the ceaseless prayers of the Guinebor II Hospital staff. Bousanna Barnabus probably did not expect to be healed with prayer when he came to the BMS World Mission hospital, located outside N'Djamena, Chad. After four days of continuous epileptic fits, Bousanna’s family brought him semi-conscious to the hospital for treatment. The attacks left him mentally and physically exhausted and very afraid. Bousanna had one moment of clarity and he used it to ask for prayer. When he did this it felt as if something amazing was happening. And it was. As Christians, we know that prayer is a powerful thing. We ask for safety, healing, wisdom and more, knowing that God will provide what we need at precisely the right time. In Bousanna’s case this is exactly what happened, and we give thanks.