God’s healing power at an IHOP event

Written by Admin 2 19 Sep 2014

At a New Jersey summer camp children are encouraged to pray for the sick. A team member writes, ‘During the service I called out a word of knowledge about cancer and a woman with ovarian cancer came forward. The children prayed over her for over an hour, contending for the cancer to be gone. The scene was glorious as I watched the children praying fervently for a miracle from the Lord. One young boy told Lois that he had had a vision of the tumour being struck with a hammer. The lady visited the doctor soon after receiving prayer. There is no cancer anywhere in her body! The doctor told her that the mass was broken off like it was struck with a hammer and that it had passed from her body with no trace left behind. Amazing! When God heals a body, the works of God are displayed (Jn. 9:3)