100,000 people have come to Christ in Burundi in the last 8 years

Written by Admin 2 17 Jul 2014

‘Lord, I'll do anything, I'll go anywhere.’ This was the prayer of Simon Guillebaud as a young man, before he was called into one of the world's most dangerous mission fields. In 1999, when he was in his early 20s, Guillebaud gave up a steady marketing job to move to Burundi, a war-torn nation in the Great Lakes region of Southeast Africa. In the 15 years since, he has seen God move in incredible ways and is passionate about seeing the country and its people fully restored. ‘I went out with a few hundred pounds, most of which got stolen on the first day, and I just thought 'Bring it on', he tells Christian Today. Guillebaud set up an umbrella organisation, Great Lakes Outreach (GLO), which works with local groups and gifted leaders to share the Gospel, and has seen one percent of Burundi come to Christ in the last eight years – 100,000 people.