New green technology could create thousands of jobs in northern England

Written by Admin 2 10 Jul 2014

Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) could create thousands of jobs across Yorkshire, the Humber and the Tees Valley, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and Carbon Capture Storage Association (CCSA) announced last Friday. They argue that the concentration of coal and gas-fired power stations, energy-intensive industries and proximity to a significant carbon dioxide storage capacity located deep under the North Sea makes the area well placed to benefit from CCS technology. CCS would enable both power stations and heavy industry to reduce their carbon emissions and could also help maintain the UK’s coal industry. TUC assistant general secretary Paul Novak said, ‘This is exactly the kind of technology needed to rebalance our economy and generate strong and sustainable growth outside London and the South East.’ Despite the clear benefits of CCS technology, it has yet to be fully embraced by the government who must put in place an enduring policy to bring forward additional power and industrial CCS projects in the UK.