Miracle Healing of doctor’s father

Written by Admin 2 09 Jun 2014

Dr Zoe D Scounos, speaking to delegates from 38 countries at the Annual World Christian Doctors Network Conference last week, told of a surgical emergency that could have taken the life of her father. However with a strong faith in God, a recovery defying medical odds unfolded. During a family meeting with her mother and sister they were faced with an impossible situation medically so they joined hands and prayed, ‘Father God, your Word says when two or more people gather together in prayer you are present. Please restore the circulation through the rest of the bowel and restore Dad completely.’ She then stated, ‘Within 24 hours a rapid clinical improvement ensued, TPN was no longer required within a few days of discharge from intensive care, and successful recovery came 5 five weeks later. This was an example of a miraculous recovery from a surgical catastrophe, with a limited chance of survival.’