‘Better Life Chances’ initiative

Written by Admin 2 06 Mar 2011

Greater Manchester Police and Greater Manchester Against Crime (GMAC) have recently invited Redeeming Our Communities to join the Integrated Neighbourhood Management Partnership Team. The purpose of this team is to pilot an initiative across 10 targeted areas in the 10 boroughs of Greater Manchester. This initiative, called ‘Better Life Chances’, is a 12-week pilot programme designed to bring service-providers into a streamlined effort to tackle deprivation problems experienced by families. Redeeming Our Communities’ role is currently focused on rolling out ROC Cafés across these targeted areas. As a proven model in reducing anti-social behaviour among youth, the ROC Café has been identified by GMAC as a key project which meets the objectives set out in Better Life Chances.

Praise: God for the partnership of professionals and enthusiastic workers as they bring resources to needy areas.

More: http://www.redeemingourcommunities.org.uk/Publisher/Article.aspx?ID=246111