Young Christians have fun and develop their faith

Written by Admin 2 29 Aug 2013

The summer has seen a rash of events for new generations - here is an insight from some participants around the Diocese of Lichfield. While students of all ages enjoy the long break over the summer, many from churches and youth clubs around the diocese have spent a little of that time having fun and developing their faith. Over four and a half thousand young people from around the country gathered at Stafford Showground for the annual Soul Survivor event at the end of July; five days of exuberant worship, teaching, sport, food and culture. In contrast, the diocesan youth retreat centre, Dovedale House on the Staffordshire Moorlands is playing host to a much smaller and deliberately quieter event. Called Breathe, it promises quietude, time to meditate and escape from hectic term-times as well as a wide choice of activities. And no leaky tents!

Praise: God for Soul Survivor and all the other events throughout the summer that are designed to stimulate faith. (Ps.89:19)
