World Prayer Assembly Indonesia

Written by Admin 2 09 Feb 2012

Christian leaders from across the globe will gather at the World Prayer Assembly in Jakarta, Indonesia, on May 14-18, 2012. This historic event will take place as millions of Indonesians are connected in prayer for their nation. 24/7 ‘prayer towers’ are operating in many cities in Indonesia and over 200,000 ‘child intercessors’ are committed in prayer for their nation. All of this in the largest Muslim-populated country. Thousands of prayer, mission and marketplace leaders, along with on-fire youth and children, will gather in Jakarta to seek the Lord together for His strategies of ‘prayer-action’ for the world. What’s unique is that the WPA will be led inter-generationally, with youth and children helping to facilitate plenary and other sessions. This, the organizers believe, will ‘help launch the next generation of men and women of God that God will use to impact the nations.’ More information is available on the ‘More’ link. Also check out the inspiring introduction video.

Praise: God and pray that there will be tsunami of His Holy Spirit. (Hab.2:14)
