Welsh Outpouring update

Written by Admin 2 16 May 2013

One incredible thing that we are experiencing here in Cwmbran (see last week's edition) since this Outpouring began is the breadth of Christian representation. As a local church, it is great to be joined with brothers and sisters in the Kingdom from many denominational backgrounds including: Baptist, Methodist, Anglican, Catholic, Charismatic, Reformed, Methodist, Free-Methodist and others. This unity, hunger and coming together, is confirmation to us that God is breaking down walls, destroying religious pride and using this as one tool to unite the body of Christ and send her out to the lost and broken, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Every night is different, some nights are completely free, as people experience the presence, joy and power of God. Others are still, peaceful, yet distinctly powerful. Every night, the Gospel is shared, and conversions happen - often before any altar call is made! Click on the ‘More’ link to find out what God is doing.

Praise: God for this outpouring of His Holy Spirit bringing new life and unity to His church. (Ps.85:6)

More: http://www.victorychurch.co.uk/outpouring-update-from-pastor-richard