Weapons-4-Bibles scheme rolls out across the capital

Written by Admin 2 11 Jun 2010

‘Knife bins are making a difference and helping to prevent youth crime,’ said a practising Christian, Michael Smith, at the launch of his new weapons disposal scheme, Word 4 Weapons. Smith was inspired to do something to stem the increasing numbers of stabbings and killings amongst young people across the UK and as a result founded the charitable organisation entitled Word 4 Weapons in 2007. In partnership with The Salvation Army, Ascension Trust, Christian Police Association and churches of varying denominations, Word 4 Weapons ran a pilot project last year placing knife bins in strategic parts of London where people could dispose of their weapons. In exchange they received a trendy bag called ‘All I Need’ which contains a Bible, Cops and Robbers comic, book of help plus much more to help them positively to turn their lives around. They now have 10 knife bins strategically placed across London with a further 10 bins to be in place by the end of this year.

Praise: God for the success of this scheme in 2007 and pray that this fresh initiative will be even more successful. (Is.52:7)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/weaponsforbibles.scheme.rolls.out.across.the.capital/26054.htm