Victory over Sunday working

Written by Admin 2 10 May 2012

Following the late intervention of the Christian Legal Centre, an employee of a major London tourist attraction is able to continue in his job, as his employer has now agreed to let him take Sundays off so that he can worship at church. The employee, who is involved with his local church and several volunteer schemes, had been in negotiations with his employers for over a year and a half over whether he would continue to be forced to work on Sundays. With the Christian Legal Centre's help, his employer has now backed down and has given him a new rota enabling him to spend Sundays worshipping at his church. By contrast, his employer had allowed a Muslim employee not to work on Fridays. The victory will encourage many Christians, some of whom have been under pressure to choose between working on Sundays or losing their jobs. (See Prayer Alert 08-2012)

Praise: God for this answer to prayer and pray that it would establish a precedent. (Gen.2:2)
