Victory for evangelist in freedom of speech case

Written by Admin 2 01 Oct 2012

A Christian evangelist was cleared of criminal charges by Dartford Magistrates after being arrested for distributing leaflets outside a Tesco supermarket. Mr Bachoo was temporarily imprisoned and charged with public order offences in January after handing out leaflets disapproving of Tesco’s decision to fund the 2012 Gay Pride parade. He was due to stand trial last week for allegedly using ‘threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour’ but magistrates dismissed the case after the prosecuting barrister failed to give evidence. The National Director of Christian Voice, Stephen Green, said: ‘Christians just keep winning these freedom of speech cases. It is not against the law to preach against sodomy, to tell the public the facts about homosexual lifestyles, nor to display graphic images of the effects of abortion. These things might upset people, but they are not threatening, they are not abusive, they are not insulting and they are not against the law.

Praise: God for the clarity of understanding by the magistrates and for the dismissal of this case.
