Theatre to help churches reach out during Olympics

Written by Admin 2 21 Jul 2011


Christian theatre groups have put together Olympics-inspired productions to help churches get the most out of the Games next summer. The original productions have been produced by Saltmine, Lantern Arts, Riding Lights and Act4. Saltmine's production, In Their Shoes, explores the roots of the modern Olympic movement and will tour in 2012 in collaboration with a Muslim theatre company. Churches are being encouraged to use the productions to engage with their communities during the London 2012 Olympics, either by hosting them in their churches or by taking them to their local schools. David Willson, chief executive of More than Gold, the umbrella organisation for church outreach during the Games, said: ‘We hope churches will host at least one of these productions and take them to schools and young people as well’.

Praise: God for these ideas and pray that the church would make full use of them. (1Jn.3:18)