Thailand: Children witnessed power of prayer

Written by Admin 2 19 May 2010

A report in Mission Network News has described how a group of Thai orphans at the Vision Beyond Borders (VBB) Children's Home witnessed the power of prayer when their orphanage was threatened with fire. According to the report, on March 19, as fires raced toward the Children's Home, workers sent out urgent prayer requests by e-mail and then moved the children to the top of a hill for safety. At the top of the hill, a staff member reportedly encouraged the kids to start worshipping and praying to God. Though Thailand is in the midst of their dry season, the report noted, they trusted God to send rain. Just before the orphanage was surrounded, the sound of thunder was heard and ‘less than an hour later it began sprinkling, then pouring, until the fires were extinguished.’

Praise: God that the children will use the miracle as a testimony to the power of Christ in their lives and that they will boldly share Christ with the people of their community. (Is.43:12)
