Bowland Street Mission, in Manningham, in Northern England, is where the extraordinary ‘people's preacher’ Smith Wigglesworth had his base. The site is set to be restored to its former glory - and turned into a centre of healing, a museum and coffee shop. Brian Holland, with his wife Kathryn, and international preacher and broadcaster Terry Quinn are founding members of the Smith Wigglesworth Foundation which has agreed a long-term lease on the building. Brian said: ‘Wigglesworth was a catalyst for the charismatic revival of the church and one of the fathers of the Pentecostal church. The plan is to restore the building back to its original 1889-1919 design, the heyday of Smith and his wife Polly's ministry in Bradford’. The group plans to open at the end of April 2011 with the original purposes: to show God knows and loves people through a healing touch alongside preaching from the Bible. Praise: God for Wigglesworth’s heritage and pray that many more would be blessed in the years to come. (Ps.84:11-12)