Siberian shaman finds Jesus

Written by Admin 2 29 Apr 2013

Alexander’s first experience with a shaman, a Siberian witch doctor, left him wanting to go deeper into this realm. ‘I saved money to become a shaman and eventually became powerful in the community,’ he recalls. Then he received an unexpected invitation. ‘Some Christians invited me to church and I went so I could spy on their God.’ He entered the church, believing the gods he served were much more powerful than the Christian God. But as Alexander sat back in the wooden pew, something unusual happened. ‘When I closed my eyes I felt God’s presence,’ he says. ‘It was so strong; I was overwhelmed by its greatness.’ Unable to resist the majesty and power of the one true living God, Alexander surrendered his life to Jesus Christ and was born again. ‘I have now begun to work with missionaries here in Russia,’ Alexander says. ‘I help others learn what Jesus did for me.’

Praise: God for the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of Alexander. (Lk.12:12)
