S. Asia: Bamboo artisans share Jesus

Written by Admin 2 02 Jul 2010

Nearly every day, five S. Asian tribal women travel to surrounding villages to sell their hand-crafted bamboo items. But when these women go to the markets, they bring something else with them: Jesus. Even though these rural women don’t know how to read, they bring Gospel tracts with them everywhere they go. One week, the women had an extraordinary opportunity before them when they visited one of Laxmi’s relatives, Shalini. She had suffered for more than a year from a tumor in her neck. In faith, the five women shared Jesus’ love with Shalini and prayed for her. God answered their cries and healed Shalini, completely removing the tumor that had plagued her for so long. Shalini and her whole family saw Jesus’ power and chose to follow Him, leaving their old traditions and religious practices to put their trust in the one true God. Six other families in their village also chose Jesus.

Praise: God for His wonderful healing power. (Ac.10:38)

More: http://www.assistnews.net/STORIES/2010/s10060152.htm