Russia: Prison Ministry

Written by Admin 2 06 Mar 2011

An offender writes, ‘I understand how baptism will clean our heart from all evil and allow God’s love within our soul. It has taken a lot of faith to get where I am in my life now, deep soul-searching too. Sometimes we are all faced with things in our life that are challenging and which we have no control over. I certainly made very bad choices in my past and realize that I had to pay a high price for those mistakes. But at least I can say I’ve learned my lesson! My deliverance came when I personally accepted Jesus Christ into my life. Everything for me became very clear, and the road was chosen for me. JESUS is my life now and I must always do the right thing. I love life and my family.’ Over the years it has become much more difficult for prisoners to receive Christian literature.

Praise: God that this prisoner is practicing his new found faith, and ask that many more prisoners meet Jesus.
