Russia: Love of Christ to disadvantaged children

Written by Admin 2 02 Jul 2010

At former communist camping grounds, that once indoctrinated children that there is no God, thousands of needy children across the former Soviet Union will learn about the gift of hope in Christ this summer. At least 5,000 children across Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Chechnya, the Northern Caucasus and Central Asia will take part in at least one hundred camps coordinated by Russian Ministries in the coming months. Since 1999, Russian Ministries has been running their camping programme, bringing hope to thousands of street kids, orphans, children with alcoholic parents, children with disabilities and children from families affected by HIV/AIDS and the ravages of violence and war. ‘Summer camps are the most effective and strategic opportunities for evangelical outreach in order to reach out to the next generation,’ explained Russian Ministries’ Senior Vice President Sergey Rakhuba.

Praise: God for this initiative and for all those who will hear His message. (Is.52:7)
