Renegade biker rode up mountain an atheist, came down a Christian

Written by Admin 2 07 Sep 2012

He was a hard-living, death-defying biker from Wales on a road trip across America. When his brakes failed on a steep mountain curve, God’s miraculous intervention changed his life forever. As he descended from the mountains on a steep, windy road, an oil leak caused Reg’s brakes to fail. ‘Every 200 yards there’s a hairpin turn,’ he recalls. But then something very unusual happened. He couldn’t let go of his handlebars. Suddenly, defying speed and gravity, the bike mysteriously stood upright on its own, slowed down, and pulled into the only run-off on the mountain. His friend Paul, pulled in behind him. ‘How did you stop it?’ he shouted. ‘I didn’t,’ Reg replied. He knew he didn’t stop the bike. Several witnesses said the impossible just happened. ‘On that mountain God showed me I had lost control,’ Reg says. He suddenly recognized that God answered his prayers in a dramatic, miraculous fashion. ‘I should have died on that mountain.’

Praise: God for His miraculous ways and how He can do the impossible. (Mt.19:26)
