Religious education's 12-year growth

Written by Admin 2 28 Aug 2010

This week’s GCSE results have confirmed that the number of students taking Religious Education has increased for the twelfth year running.’ Religious Education has entered the top ten league table of subjects in terms of the number of candidates, and remains in the top five of growing subjects with more than 75,000 candidates; above subjects like Mathematics and History. Nick McKemey, the Church of England’s Head of School Improvement, said ‘Young people are clamouring for a deeper understanding of religious perspectives on issues of the day and how moral and ethical questions are considered by the major faiths. Twelve years of organic growth in student numbers cannot be ignored. This is a phenomenon that indicates students’ appreciation that exploring faith and belief helps them to understand the world and become better global citizens.’ He also said it underlines the importance of investing adequate resources and time in its teaching.

Praise: for our young people who are making important decisions having received exam results recently. (Jas.1:5)
