Pakistan: An encouraging story

Written by Admin 2 09 Jan 2014

A brother who had participated in a prayer seminar last year wrote to the conference facilitators recently and shared the following, ‘You gave me a verse and said God was going to change me and use me as an evangelist. The power of God came on me like never before. I began to go out witnessing. I have just come back from X city (known as a hard satanic place) where I have made several trips. Five non-Christian families have come to Christ. You taught us to first teach them to pray. Now we have a small prayer group there. We are praying against satanic strongholds and seeing God answer.’ He went on to say he lives in a city on the edge of the desert where there are 40 born-again Christian families. They have organized themselves into 24/7 prayer throughout the week. During Saturdays and Sunday afternoons they send evangelistic teams into the area and are seeing lives changed all around them.