Olympics draw outreach teams

Written by Admin 2 01 Sep 2012

The’ Ultimate Gold outreach’ was a huge team effort in the extensive grounds of St. John’s Church Stratford where ‘Almost everyone on the teams led people to Christ.’ The outreach partnership brought together St John’s Church, Through Faith Mission, OAC Ministries (Open Air Campaigners) and a range of some twenty other East London churches providing something on offer for the constant number of people who used a public footway which runs through the church grounds. Throughout the afternoon and evening the Gospel message was preached by painting on sketch boards, singing, acts of creative object lessons, escapology, acrobats, dancers puppet shows, offering prayer in a prayer tent, taking ‘The God Test’, in which people were asked their views on either the existence of God or His nature, and a faith survey. There were many openings to have conversations about the Gospel, as both local people and visitors took the opportunity to sit and relax in the sunshine with free tea, coffee and cold drinks provided.’

Praise: God for the 160 people who chose to follow Christ and the 60 who made re-commitments. Pray also for the team members who are busy preparing to assist St John’s Church during the Paralympics. (Php.2:10,11)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/olympics.draw.international.outreach.team/30544.htm