Numbers rise at London churches

Written by Admin 2 16 Aug 2013

London’s churchgoing population is increasing by leaps and bounds, according to an authoritative survey for the London City Mission. Results just released from the London Church Census, carried out by Brierley Consultancy, show that nearly 100,000 more people were attending church in the capital in October 2012 than the last time the count was made seven years ago, an increase of 16 per cent. At 720,000, the rate of churchgoing is more than three per cent higher in London than in the rest of England. Because of the capital’s size, this means that a quarter of all English churchgoers attend church in London. According to the survey, the growth is ‘largely driven by London’s ethnic diversity’. Of the two new churches opening every week between 2005 and 2012, two-thirds were Pentecostal Black Majority and a third catered for a particular language or ethnic group.

Praise: God for the growth of His Church. (Gen.17:2)
