North Korea: American Christian freed

Written by Admin 2 07 Sep 2010

An American Christian imprisoned in North Korea has been released following a humanitarian effort by former US president Jimmy Carter. Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) said in a news release it welcomes the release of Aijalon Mahli Gomes, but strongly urges the international community to intensify pressure on North Korea for the release of thousands of prisoners still languishing in the nation. CSW said Gomes was detained in North Korea since entering the country on Jan. 25 by crossing the border from China. He was arrested by the North Korean authorities and sentenced to eight years in a labour camp. And ordered to pay a fine of $700,000 for illegal entry and unspecified ‘hostile acts.’ He was the fourth US citizen to be detained by the North Korean government since Jan. 2009, following Robert Park (See Prayer Alert 0210) and the journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee, all of whom were released after several months in custody.

Praise: God for the release of these international believers but pray for the many nationals still being held. (Ps.146:7)
