Kenya: Eternal life via canoe

Written by Admin 2 23 Jun 2011

Mfangano Island, on Lake Victoria, is home to a small tribe called the Suba. A few weeks ago, more than one thousand people gathered at a local orphanage to dedicate the newly translated Suba New Testament, a task that took nineteen years to complete. No one was happier than the lead translator, Naphtaly, who had worked so hard and grieved the death of some of the initial translators. The Bibles were brought in by canoe, a symbol of life for the island. Emotions ran high as people jumped and cheered, rushing to purchase copies of the book that talks about eternal life. The celebration continued for hours with singing, dancing, speeches, and food.

Praise: God for the blessings of His Word that brings life. (1Jn.1:1)
