Iranian doctor comes to faith after watching Christian TV

Written by Admin 2 19 May 2010

Towards the end of 2009, an Iranian doctor from a religious family in a smaller city of Iran was watching Elam’s evangelistic television program ‘Healing for the broken hearted.’ He was deeply moved by testimony of the Christian on the program. When the presenters invited viewers to call in for prayer he did so despite the risks. The Elam counsellor shared with him and he requested follow up contact. So they gave his details to one of the church planters in Iran who courageously went to visit him in early 2010. The Doctor heard the Gospel once more and then repented right there in his office. Believers are meeting with him regularly to disciple him.

Praise: God for this new brother in Christ, and pray for him to grow and be a powerful Christian witness in his city. (Ps.73:23-24)
