Iran: Hunger for scripture

Written by Admin 2 19 May 2010

Despite persecution, the Iranian church is growing rapidly with over 300,000 New Testaments printed and leading Iranians to Christ. Church leaders are asking for more Bibles as they believe large-scale Scripture distribution will be instrumental in millions of Iranians coming to know Jesus Christ. One church planter received 1,000 New Testaments last month from Elam Ministries and said the New Testaments are the best way to share the love of Christ with the Iranian people. ‘I have personally given thousands out over the last few years and I’ve only had one person tell me they don’t want it.’ He added, ‘A few weeks ago we witnessed to a lady who was about to commit suicide and we gave her a New Testament. Praise God she did not go through with her plans. Please pray for her to find salvation and for the many others in Iran on the brink of suicide. Pray the Word of God will reach them too.’

Praise: God for Bible translators and fearless Christians in closed countries and ask Him to open more avenues of ministry throughout Iran. (1Ki.8:42)
