India: Two families see God’s power

Written by Admin 2 26 Jan 2011

Gospel for Asia-supported missionaries Bhavi and Dipan are the pastors of two growing churches in South Asia. They have seen God’s power in the lives of many people in their congregations. Giri suffered from ongoing kidney stone problems. After six operations failed to cure him Giri didn’t know what to do. It was then that Giri heard about the church where Pastor Bhavi served. He approached with great hope, and after Pastor Bhavi and the other believers prayed, the Lord healed Giri. With great joy and thankfulness Meenu and his wife received an equally powerful miracle in their lives. After years of marriage they had no children. But when they heard of Jesus’ loving power from a Bible college student, they had new hope! They went to visit Pastor Dipan, who prayed with them and the Lord blessed them with a baby boy. Like Giri’s family, Meenu and his wife now serve the Lord wholeheartedly.

Praise: God for His miraculous power that brings life to those who believe. (Dan.2:2-3)
