Illiterate man’s body healed, then God gave him ability to read Scripture

Written by Admin 2 05 Apr 2012

A mysterious disease left Yilma Gudini unable to walk or speak for years. One day a missionary visited his village and began to pray for his healing. There was no sign of any improvement, but the missionary persisted in returning day after day. On the eighth day, God answered. ‘The demons left me, and I could walk and speak again,’ Gudini says. ‘It was a miracle.’ On the tenth day he had one of the most vivid dreams he could recall. ‘I saw the Word of God written on the wall,’ he says. But as Gudini stared at the strange symbols lighted on the wall, something unusual happened. He could actually read the words – they made perfect sense. In his dream, he read Scripture for many hours. When Gudini awakened, something even more unusual happened. He ran to get a Bible and when he opened the pages, he could read! Gudini praised and glorified God after this second great miracle in his life.

Praise: God for His wonderful miracles. (Job.5:9)
