Houses of Prayer across Wales

Written by Admin 2 30 Dec 2011

There is a rising tide of prayer across Wales as His children seek His face for our nation. There seems to be a buzz in the air as stories are arising across Wales of God doing wonderful things in peoples' lives. Beautiful testimonies are emerging, Jesus is being glorified and the Holy Spirit seems to be moving in every corner of the nation. House of Prayer Ffald-y-Brenin cannot cope with the number of visitors coming to pray and has given up trying, so that Bed and Breakfasts are full of those who come up to pray during the daytime. People are pouring in from around the world then leave carrying increased blessing. Elsewhere across Wales people are suddenly finding that the simplest prayers suddenly lead them into the very presence of our life-changing God. Home-based Houses of Prayer are multiplying, both singly and in networks. 24-hour Prayer is being raised up across the land.

Praise: God and may His Glory cover all of Wales as the waters cover the sea. (Hab.3:2)
