Filipino pastors' family soap industry helps poor parishioners

Written by Admin 2 19 May 2010

A Filipino couple who are both pastors have become accidental entrepreneurs after their daughter's search for body care products for her allergy-sensitive skin led to the creation of a home-based industry, which the family sees as its ministry. ‘With this evolving business, poor parishioners can earn extra income, which can sustain their local churches,’ Pastor Robinson Ayupan told Ecumenical News International. ‘With more income, parishioners can give tithes, support their pastor, and sustain their ministries.’ Ayupan's wife, Lorna Jane, says many of the 100 dealers, who retail the family's bath soap and other body care products, are poor parishioners, some of whom are students working their way through college, others unemployed housewives. The Ayupans belong to the United Church of Christ in the Philippines, but the two pastors also minister to other Protestant and evangelical groups, where they tell people they can combine their ‘Christian faith with enterprising ventures’.

Praise: God for this initiative and pray that our God-given gifts will be developed to bless and encourage those in need. (Ps.22:26-27)
