Denmark: Danish Church waking to Gospel call

Written by Admin 2 20 May 2011

In Denmark, at least 4 percent of the country's population claims to be of the Muslim faith. Now, one former Muslim is sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. Massoud Fouroozandeh was born a Muslim in Iran. Fouroozandeh was called up for military duty, but instead of serving, he fled Iran and eventually settled in Denmark. Today, he is the pastor of one of the fastest growing churches in Denmark with a special outreach to Denmark's Muslim immigrants. He is the author of the book titled ‘The Forbidden Salvation.’ His journey to Christianity began when his mother, who also became a Christian, gave him a Bible. This angered him and he decided to disprove it, but something different happened. Fouroozandeh was running his own business in Denmark when he says Jesus appeared to him in a dream and called him to serve Him. He later began the Church of Love.

Praise: God for this wonderful testimony and may Fouroozandeh’s Church continue to grow. (Gen.1:28a)
