Cumbria Police payout for arrest of Christian

Written by Admin 2 12 Jan 2011

In a second similar case in recent days, a Christian street preacher has won £7,000 plus costs from Cumbria Police in settlement for a claim of wrongful arrest, unlawful imprisonment and breach of his human rights. The police have accepted they acted unlawfully. Mr Mcalpine was preaching from the Bible in Workington town centre on 20 April 2010. His sermon contained no mention of homosexuality. When he finished he was approached by Police Community Support Officer, Sam Adams. Even though Mr Mcalpine had never mentioned homosexuality, PCSO Adams warned him that he could be arrested if he made homophobic remarks. Mr Mcalpine replied that he was not homophobic, but he sometimes preaches that homosexual conduct is a sin because that is what the Bible says. Uniformed police officers were called to the scene and wrongly informed Mr Mcalpine that ‘it is against the law’ to describe homosexual conduct as a sin. (See Prayer Alert 1910)

Praise: that this will provide clarification for the police and all those involved in such matters leaving preachers unhindered in future. (Pr.1:5)
