Churches welcome Scout promise decision

Written by Admin 2 12 Oct 2013

The Church of England has welcomed the Scout Association's decision to retain the original ‘duty to God’ pledge alongside the introduction of a new alternative promise for atheists and others without a faith. The core scout promise ‘to do my duty to God’ has been in existence for 106 years and this is the first time in the Scout movement's history that an alternative pledge has been offered for people without a faith, although alternatives have existed for Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists for several decades. From January, new scouts with no religion will be able to promise to ‘uphold our scout values’. The announcement comes after a 10-month consultation that included faith groups. The Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham,and the Church of England's lead bishop on work with young people, the Right Reverend Paul Butler, welcomed theoutcome. He said: ‘I very much welcome this announcement by the Scout movement that God stays in the promise.’

Praise: God for this change of mind by the Scout Association. (Ps.100:1-2)
