Christian marriages have a higher chance of success

Written by Admin 2 09 Feb 2012

Latest research into the lifestyles of Christians reveals that they are happier in their marriages and better at staying married than non-Christians. They are also highly likely to accept outside help and advice to keep their marriages healthy. How's the Family?, the latest report in the 21st Century Evangelicals series, looks at trends in Christian relationships, including what a typical Christian family looks like, insights into how Christians find partners, and what Christians do when relationships go wrong. The research also shows that Christians are much better at protecting their marriage, with the credit for this going to lifestyle choices commonly associated with Christians. The typical lifestyle choices of Christians who go on to happy and lengthy marriages are that they marry young (at 25 on average compared to over 30 in the general population), are less likely to have lived together as a couple, and are willing to participate in activities that support and maintain their relationship.

Praise: that God would continue to bless the institution of marriage and that Christians would be models for the world to follow. (Mt.19:4-6)
