Chile: Two Chilean miners accept Christ

Written by Admin 2 23 Oct 2010

As I’m sure most of the world knows, 33 Chilean miners have been rescued having been trapped underground for more than two months, waiting to be rescued. God has heard our prayers. Lots of prayers from lots of people! Baptist Press News reports that when the mine collapsed, three of the miners - including José Henríquez who has been leading a Bible study underground - were Christians. Since then, two more have made professions of faith. The report notes that when Pastor Marcelo Leiva arrived at Camp Hope he didn't know anyone, but Henríquez's family quickly connected him with other families. ‘That connection allowed a lot of other people to hear the Word,’ Leiva says, ‘and to know that in the midst of this catastrophe, God is in control, and it is the Lord who has kept their family members alive.’ The wife of one of the miners who became a Christian met with Leiva over the past two weeks has also accepted Christ.

Praise: God for the success of this rescue mission and for the new believers and pray that the experience will bring many more to accept the Lord as saviour. (Ps.22:5)
