Catholic midwives' abortion victory welcomed

Written by Admin 2 02 May 2013

The Roman Catholic Church in Scotland has welcomed a court ruling upholding the right to conscientious objection of two midwives who refused to have any role in abortion procedures. Mary Doogan, 58, and Concepta Wood, 52, both practising Catholics, challenged NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde on having to delegate, supervise or support staff involved in terminations. They lost a previous case against the health board when a judge ruled that their human rights had not been violated because they were not directly involved in carrying out terminations. But a court of appeal in Edinburgh ruled on Wednesday that conscientious objection could apply to supporting staff involved in abortions. The right to conscientious objection is protected by the 1967 Abortion Act. Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow, said the decision by the appeal judges was a ‘victory for freedom of conscience and for common sense’.

Praise: God for the court ruling. (Dt.25:1)
