Bangladesh: Son of Imam becomes underground pastor

Written by Admin 2 30 May 2013

Masud grew up in a strict Muslim home in a remote part of Bangladesh. Not only was his family strict, but his father was also an Imam. Masud grew up with full knowledge of the Quran and considered himself to be a radical Muslim. As he grew, however, he began to wonder about the Jesus he read about in the Quran and asked his father many questions: ‘Who is Jesus? Is the Quran true? The Quran says we must study the teaching of Jesus because he was more than a prophet. Why don’t we?’ These questions made his father, the Holy Religious Leader, very angry and he would beat Masud and say: ‘Stop asking questions. You must not question Islam.’ One day, Masud was sitting with friends when a Christian pastor came and shared the Gospel, using the Quran as a tool to point them to Issa (Jesus). Masud was moved in his spirit and recognized that the Gospel was the truth.

Praise: God for Masud and his wife as they live and work for the Gospel in a country where as a religious minority they face danger and persecution for their devotion to Jesus. (Rom.8:35)
