Australia: Prayer movement 'Rising Up'

Written by Admin 2 22 Feb 2011

Flash floods and a powerful cyclone have taken a toll on Australia this year, but in the midst of their hardship, many residents have found the ‘good news.’ Pockets of revival are breaking out in the country and miracles have been reported as a result of the prayer movement ‘Rise Up Australia.’ Australia was once considered a Christian nation, but aggressive secularization has caused many people to grow cold to Christianity. Only about 10 per-cent of the population regularly attends church, yet a number of churches and ministries are becoming more resolute in praying for the nation and desperately crying out to God. ‘Rise Up Australia’ was started in 2000 by pastor Daniel Nalliah, president of Catch the Fire Ministries. Now, more than 10 years later Christians are gathering for monthly prayer meetings in 75 Australian cities.

 Praise: God for the stirring of His Spirit and the growth of prayer across Australia. (Ro.12:12)
