Assisted suicide Bill rejected in Scotland.

Written by Admin 2 12 Jan 2011

MSP’s were given a free vote yesterday, allowing them to vote according to their consciences rather than along party lines. The End of Life Assistance Bill was crushed by 85-16. Gordon Macdonald, of the Care Not Killing alliance said it was a fantastic result and a ‘victory for the most vulnerable in our community’. In rejecting the controversial legislation, he said MSP’s recognised that legalising assisted suicide would ‘seriously endanger public safety’ and had instead given a ringing endorsement to palliative care. ‘The sheer magnitude of the Bill’s defeat should settle this issue in Scotland for a generation,’ he said. ‘The key argument that decided this vote and the similar votes in the House of Lords in 2006 and 2009 is a simple one. The right to die can so easily become the duty to die.’ (See Prayer Alert 4710)

Praise: God for this answered prayer. (Mt.10:30-31)
