Archbishop gives thanks for Queen who 'does' God

Written by Admin 2 08 May 2012

The Archbishop of Wales has expressed his thanks to the Queen for continuing to uphold the Christian faith in national life. In an address at the start of the Queen's two-day visit to Wales, Dr Barry Morgan praised the Queen for 'doing God' in public in spite of changing public opinion. ‘Over the last 60 years, amidst all the shifting sands of public opinion and different viewpoints, you have regarded the Christian faith as the rock on which you have been able to draw strength and comfort,’ he said. ‘It is a reminder to the rest of us that this country has been shaped by the Christian faith and that that faith is still important in our national life.’ More than 600 people were at Llandaff Cathedral for the service of thanksgiving to mark the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

Praise: God for the example of our Queen. (Ps.119:2)
