300 new churches planted in Norway

Written by Admin 2 13 Jun 2013

In Norway 300 churches have been planted in the last 15 years. This is reported by Oivind Augland, director of DAWN Norge, a national network for church planting in which many denominations and churches participate. DAWN Norway is serving a network of people who recognize that when we stand together as the Body of Christ, we have the opportunity to see the nation filled with living cells, groups and congregations of believers in all geographic areas, ethnic and cultural groups in the nation. Churches in Norway are actively working together and have a vision beyond their own nation. They want to ‘ignite multiplying church planting movements all over Europe.’

Praise: God for this encouraging cross-denominational growth in Scandiinavia and beyond

More: http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=no&u=http://dawnnorge.no/&prev=/search%3Fq%3DDAWN%2BNorge%26hl%3Den-GB