Saved from death

Written by Super User 19 Nov 2010

Gitika's body shrunk as an evil spirit caused her to quit eating, lose sleep and writhe with burning pain. For a month and a half a demon terrorized her, making her weak and speaking through her saying, ‘I won't leave her until I take her life!’ The hospital said nothing could be done for her and she was sent home to die. A neighbour told the family of a Pastor who could pray for their daughter to be healed. Hoping for a miracle they contacted Pastor Somkar. ‘ I know what you are doing. Don't go. Don't bring him here!’ the evil spirit yelled, through Gitika. But the pastor came and prayed for several weeks until she was delivered from the demonic attack, started eating again and was completely healed. After seeing God's power through prayers the entire family became Christians. Gitika now shares with others that only God was able to give her life again.

Praise: God for healing and deliverance, and ask him to use Gitika and her family to bring the whole village to faith in Jesus. (Ac.10:38)
